The work was done in 2020 in several softwares: Forger Classic, Blender and Sony Vegas Pro. I did the basic sculpting in Forger, then textured and lighted in Blender, and after animated. In Sony Vegas Pro, I made a video editing, added music, texts and description.

First experience in 3D sculpture. I don’t know why I suddenly decided to sculpt a skull) probably because of my previous studies at the academy. At the university, before starting full-fledged portraits, we studied on plaster skulls in order to understand the structure of the head. Perhaps because of this, I decided to start with the basics, since I had to study again on new programs, and these are new tools and new techniques. But in general, the principle of creativity remains unchanged.
After I finished with sculpting, I tried texture mapping and lighting by typing. Tried, rendered, changed, tried again, rendered again, etc.

This time I got confused with the glow of the object. For a long time I could not understand how it is done. But that's not the point, in the end I got what I wanted.
Well, the cherry can be called animation, frame construction and camera movement. That's all. And well, how could it be without my favorite cinematic sound and effects))