Personal exhibition of Alisher Almas tied to the Beaujolais Nouveau event. The theme of the event "French Touch" was dedicated to fashion. 6 canvases to the theme and one main "Butterfly Effect" were presented this evening.
An excerpt from the press release:

The main theme of the paintings of the exhibited artist is furry art. Furry is the anthropomorphization of animals, which is expressed in the assignment to them of such qualities as human consciousness and facial expressions, features of human anatomy, speech, walking on two legs and wearing clothes. The real world is transformed into a world of quirks, conditional idealism. Here is not the authenticity of what is depicted, but its figurative modification, the artistic embodiment of the feelings, impressions, emotions and ideas of the author. The artist tied the theme of the Beaujolais Nouveau 2017 Frenc Touch event to his works. Where these same Furries follow the sophisticated style in their attire. The author notes the moments “We all have animal instincts, and we are all unique in our own way. About someone you can say "This man is a fox, and that one over there behaves like a stately lion." Both our style of dress and fashion emphasize these personalities." A non-standard, plot-thematic repertoire of seven canvases is a distinctive feature of COPAON's work.
“Art is the same need for a person as eating and drinking.
The need for beauty and creativity, embodying it, is inseparable from a person.