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Butterfly effect

The butterfly effect is a term in the natural sciences for the property of some chaotic systems: a small influence on the system can have large and unpredictable consequences somewhere else and at another time.

Deterministic-chaotic systems are sensitive to small influences. In a chaotic world, it is difficult to predict what variations will occur at a given time and place, errors and uncertainty build up exponentially over time.

But this small cause, growing with other small consequences, and those, in turn, becoming the cause for other small consequences, eventually leads to tangible changes in the entire world order. Each line emanating from the center of the butterfly is a path in which other paths intertwine. Each choice along the path entails a new path. Having made or not made a choice, sometimes you can find yourself in a completely different place. Millions of reflective lights symbolize the souls of people, and if you look at the picture in motion, you can see how they light up and go out like stars. Someone lights up in childhood, and someone after several centuries. But in this seemingly chaotic movement, we all influence the course of history as a whole. “Who cares if one more light goes out

In the sky of a million stars... Well I do”


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